through education and advocacy
Rachael dedicates her career to normalizing the cannabis industry, not only through providing valuable legal services to her clients, but through educating and advocating for the mainstream acceptance of cannabis in society. Some of her educational and advocacy efforts include:
Moderating a panel on the Future of East Coast Cannabis at the Cannabis Quality Expo in Parsippany, NJ
Speaking on all the moving parts of establishing an independent cannabis business at the NJCBA's Lunch and Learn
Serving on the Social Equity Advisory Work Group for the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division
Teaching Cannabis law at Community College of Denver (2022)
Establishing the Colorado Bar Association's Social Equity Pro Bono Program where volunteer attorneys provide free legal consultations to Colorado Social Equity Applicants
Serving on rule-making work groups with the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division.
Authoring and presenting a webinar to introduce attorneys and law students to cannabis law and how various areas of practice are impacted by and relevant to the burgeoning U.S. cannabis industry.
Researching and presenting ProLaw Continuing Legal Education seminars on How the 2018 Farm Bill Will Change the Cannabis Industry and The 2018 Farm Bill: Updates and Implementation One Year In.
Speaking on numerous podcasts regarding cannabis law, including the National Cannabis Industry Association's Cannabis Industry Voice and Lit & Lucid.
Sharing video tips for the cannabis industry on the RZA Legal youtube channel.
Presenting to Denver-area groups and teaching Continuing Legal Education courses, including the Colorado Bar Association Trust & Estate Section and the Colorado Bar Association 4th Annual Cannabis Law Symposium on the intersection of estate planning and marijuana law, the Colorado Bar Association 5th Annual Cannabis Symposium on legal considerations of buyers and sellers of regulated marijuana businesses.
Speaking at national cannabis conferences on the panels   "Planning Your Exit Strategy" at MJBizConNEXT Executive Summit 2019 and "Reality Check: Addressing Hemp Industry Business Challenges of Today and Tomorrow" at MJBizCon Hemp Industry Daily Forum 2020.
Presenting to Denver-area groups including Denver NORML and Denver Women of Cannabis on Colorado home grow laws and being a woman entrepreneur in the cannabis industry, speaking about Colorado's public consumption laws and regulations on a Cannabis Rules & Regulatory Changes panel During Denver Arts Week at the Megafauna Gallery and HTBX social consumption pop-up, the first special events licensee issued for public consumption in Denver, and with the University of Denver School of Law's Student International Cannabis Bar Association.
Moderating a panel discussion about the status and implementation of cannabis delivery in Colorado at the 20/20 Growth Marijuana Public Policy Conference.
Available for speaking engagements on cannabis law, investing in hemp and marijuana businesses, regulatory compliance, licensing, transitioning law practice to include catering to cannabis law clients, and other cannabis law and policy topics.